
March 26, 2013

"earning it" or "deserving it" celebrity edition

new book due out in april

recently there's been a lot of talk in my office about haters. especially women hating on women. i'm guilty of this during every broadcast sporting event. as a woman who loves sports i am all for women being integrated into the male dominated field of sports broadcasting. what i'm not for, are the networks putting a woman on the game coverage when she clearly is only there for her pleasing looks. that being said, i love pam ward, she knows her sports.

i'll move away from sports and on to food, cause i love food. i feel like women, more often than men, are the target of cook book hate. from rachel ray to pippa middleton to gwenyth paltrow, if it isn't a complicated chem lab a-la martha stewart, it just isn't good enough.  i wonder, if george clooney did a cook book would he be judged so harshly?

while stumbling around the interwebs one day i discovered, gwenyth paltrow's personal blog. she's been a health nut for a few years and while i'm not into cupping (ew), macrobiotic or cleansing, i can get on board with healthier versions of the foods i already love.

March 14, 2013

"breakfast burrito" or "breakfast of champions"

cathy is feeling my pain.

the days have been shorter and as the sun goes, so goes my energy. that doesn't mean when the sun comes up i get up. no, far from it. luckily this sunday began daylight savings time. i'll finally have enough light in the evening to run after work.

in a run up (hehe) to getting back on the running schedule, i've spent the last week bingeing on pinterest for motivation and healthier snacks. i had my yearly check up and the doctor suggested i add some vitamins to my daily diet, fun!

fixing food, in my opinion, is a pain. i can bake b/c it requires about 20 min of hands on and then you leave it alone for a while and let the oven do the rest. cooking requires much more attention. i trolled the interwebs for some quick and easy nourishment i felt i could actually do. as opposed to buying everything at the store and then letting it go to waste in the fridge after yet another taco bell craving. so here's what i've been doing for breakfast and mid-afternoon snacks.

breakfast has been oatmeal at work most mornings. in the past i was strictly coffee only until lunch but i've been getting so hungry/bored that i can't stand it.