
July 26, 2016

garden of philosophy

i know i said i was doing a night run this past weekend, but life got in the way. specifically a co-workers going away dinner trumped a 7k for me, and it was totally worth it. instead of a 7k night run, i managed a 7k afternoon run to the foot of gellert hill and walked up to the garden of philosophy, something i've been wanting to do for months. totally worth it as well.

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary

created by hungarian artist nandor wagner, the garden has 4 statues, one large installation and 3 individual statues behind it. as the maker leading into the garden states "for a better mutual understanding." 5 religious icons in a circle facing their one common focus, god. i've long said that the most important lesson i ever learned in life i learned on my first night of my church youth group in 6th grade: different is different, not wrong. so many religions and faiths, how could they not be in harmony?

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary
l-r: jesus, buda, lao tse, abraham, echnaton

the three status at the back from left to right: gahndi, bodhi dharma, saint francis. as i walked around the garden, catching my breath and taking it all in, i thought about an indigo girls song we'd played on repeat endlessly in our youth group:

i went to the doctor, i went to the mountains,
i looked to the children, i drank from the fountains
there's more than one answer to these questions
pointing me in a crooked line
and the less i seek my source for some definitive
the closer i am to fine

we can't get everything from one place, or maybe i can't. you do you.

3 installations were created, for hungary, japan and the united states. the hungarian garden was installed in 2001, a group of 11 statues was installed in testugakudo park, japan in 2009. i guess the united states is still in storage somewhere as i haven't been able to locate it.

adjacent to the garden of philosophy is a statue that was smaller than i'd expected it to be, based on the angle of other photos i'd seen. the prince buda and princess pest, uniting the cities across the danube.

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary prince buda princess pest

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary prince buda princess pest
prince buda and princess pest

luckily the hike down was shaded and an afternoon shower left the leaves to cool the air.

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary
so much green

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary
just a random fountain

i'll definitely be going back this route, it's got a spectacular view.

gellert hill garden of philosophy budapest hungary
pest from the garden of philosophy

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